13 research outputs found

    Construal in expression : An intersubjective approach to Cognitive Grammar

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    This doctoral dissertation is a metatheoretical survey into the central semantic concepts of Cognitive Grammar (CG), a semantics-driven theoretical grammar developed by Ronald W. Langacker. CG approaches language as a semiotic system inherently structured by certain cognition-general capacities, and it defends a usage-based conception of language, therefore denying the strict dichotomy between language and other realms of conceptualization and human experience. For CG, linguistic meaning is thus defined relative to our general cognitive and bodily disposition, as well as to the contents of experience the former structure. The cognitive and experiential aspects of meaning are described relative to so-called dimensions of construal. In this study, I will provide a systematic critical account of the theoretical explanation Cognitive Grammar provides for the dimensions of construal. The point of departure will be in social ontology of linguistic meaning developed and defended by Esa Itkonen, who has accordingly criticized Cognitive Grammar for inconsistent psychologism. According to Itkonen, linguistic meaning is an object of common knowledge and cannot be reduced into an individual s conceptualization; the dimensions of construal capture experiential meaning that is part of language as a social semiotic resource. This entails that linguistic semantics assume as its object of description non-objective, perspectival meanings that are commonly known. It will be argued that the usage-based nature of CG provides a way to release this tension between objective and non-objective aspects of meaning by explaining how perspectivity of semantics results from the acquisition and adjustment of meanings in actual discourse. This, however, necessitates an ontological revision of Cognitive Grammar and rehabilitation of the sociality of a linguistic meaning, which is the topic of this study. In addition to the work by Itkonen, prominent socially oriented cognitive linguists, such as Jordan Zlatev, have emphasized the necessary intersubjective basis of experiential meaning. Within the Fennistic studies, on the other hand, the intersubjective approach to CG and Cognitive Linguistics in general has taken the form of combining cognitive linguistic methodologies with Conversation Analysis. This study combines elements from both of these approaches in order to provide a comprehensive assessment of the notion of construal in CG. In so being, the main task of this study is to critically evaluate the cognition-based explanation for the dimensions of construal, provide a socially grounded alternative, and apply the alternative into analysis of construal in (written discourse). The thesis demonstrates that the dimensions of construal are not dependent on the aspects of cognitive theory on the basis of which they are argued for. Instead, the notion of construal is shown to be inherently intersubjective and context-sensitive. Construal captures aspects of semantic organization that are correlates of intersubjective alignment between conceptualizing subjects in a given discursive context.Kielellinen merkitys sisÀltÀÀ vÀistÀmÀttÀ jonkinlaisen nÀkökulman siihen, mihin kielellinen merkki, kuten sana tai syntaktinen kokonaisuus, viittaa. Esimerkiksi ilmauksia avohoitotapaus ja mielenterveyskuntoutuja voidaan kÀyttÀÀ sujuvasti samasta ihmisestÀ tai ihmisryhmÀstÀ, mutta silti niiden merkitys on eri. EnsimmÀinen vaihtoehdoista ilmaisee suoraan erÀÀnlaisen hoitopÀÀtöksen synnyttÀmÀn kategorian (avohoito-) yhdistettynÀ kokonaisilmauksen alentavuutta alleviivaavaan pÀÀsanaan (-tapaus). Toinen ilmauksista taas esittÀÀ kuvatun ihmisen aktiivisena toimijana, joka itse työskentelee terveytensÀ parantamiseksi. Merkityksen nÀkökulmaisuus voidaan mieltÀÀ ilmaistun asian tai asiaintilan ja kieleen kirjautuneen kÀsitteistÀjÀn vÀliseksi suhteeksi: asiaa tai asiantilaa ikÀÀn kuin tarkastellaan jostakin sijainnista kÀsin kielellisesti. Toisaalta nÀkökulmaisuus on kaikille kielenkÀyttÀjille yhteistÀ tietoa. KielitieteessÀ teoreettisena haasteena on pitkÀÀn ollut se, miten tÀmÀ nÀkökulmaisuuden ja jaettuuden yhdistelmÀ voidaan selittÀÀ ja kuvata johdonmukaisesti merkityksen tutkimuksessa. TÀssÀ vÀitöstutkimuksessa otetaan kriittiseen tarkasteluun kognitiivisena kielioppina tunnettu teoreettinen kielioppi ja arvioidaan sen kykyÀ selittÀÀ ja kuvata merkityksen nÀkökulmaisuus kÀsitteen konstruointi ( construal ) kautta. Konstruointi kÀsittÀÀ joukon ulottuvuuksia, joiden arvoja muuttamalla sama asia voidaan ilmaista lukuisin eri tavoin: esimerkki-ilmauksissa yllÀ vaihtelee vaikkapa se, mikÀ viitatusta ihmisryhmÀstÀ profiloidaan eli tuodaan ilmauksen ilmitasolle. Tarkkaan ottaen tutkimus kÀsittelee nÀiden eri ulottuvuuksien teoreettista perustelua ja toisaalta sitÀ, kuinka koherentteja ne ovat kuvauskÀsitteinÀ. VÀitöstutkimus osoittaa, ettÀ konstruoinnin ulottuvuuksien avulla voidaan kuvata tehokkaasti ilmausten ymmÀrrettÀvyyden kannalta vÀlttÀmÀttömiÀ merkityspiirteitÀ. Toisaalta konstruoinnin ulottuvuuksien teoreettinen perustelu on ongelmallinen. Kognitiivinen kielioppi pyrkii selittÀmÀÀn konstruoinnin ulottuvuudet yksilön kielellisen prosessoinnin ominaisuuksina, mikÀ on ristiriidassa kielellisen merkityksen jaettuuden kanssa. VÀitöstutkimus osoittaa tÀmÀn selitystavan loogiset heikkoudet ja esittÀÀ konstruoinnille vaihtoehtoisen perustelun. TÀssÀ perustelussa konstruointi esitetÀÀn ensisijaisesti sosiaalisena, ilmauksen ymmÀrrettÀvyyteen ja kohdennettuuteen liittyvÀnÀ ilmiönÀ

    Konstruoiva kieli. Intersubjektiivinen nÀkökulma kognitiiviseen kielioppiin

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    Tapani Möttösen suomen kielen alaan kuuluva vÀitöskirja tarkastettiin Helsingin yliopistossa 5. helmikuuta 2016. VastavÀittÀjÀnÀ toimi professori Jordan Zlatev Lundin yliopistosta ja kustoksena professori Tiina Onikki-RantajÀÀskö.Tapani Möttönen: Construal in expression. An intersubjective approach to Cognitive Grammar. Helsinki: Helsingin yliopisto 2016. VÀitöskirja on luettavissa osoitteessa http://urn.fi/URN:ISBN:978-951-51-1902-5

    Nivelreuma - KÀypÀ hoito suosituksen tiivistelmÀ

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    English summary: Rheumatoid arthritis (updated Current Care guideline) Anti-citrulline antibodies are highly specific to rheumatoid arthritis (RA) and are thus helpful in differential diagnosis. Early and aggressive disease modifying anti-rheumatic drug (DMARD) therapy is essential for a positive treatment result in cases of RA. Remission during the 1st year of treatment predicts permanent remission, milder joint damage and better functional ability. It is recommended that patients with an unsatisfactory response to DMARDs, including methotrexate and a combination of DMARDs, should be treated primarily with TNF blockers, and non-responders with rituximab or abatacept. RA is an independent risk factor for cardiovascular diseases. The assessment of cardiovascular risk must not be forgotten in daily practice.

    Hiki, Àhky ja loikka - Osallistujien pedagogisia mietteitÀ ja ideoita hankkeen varrelta

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    DIGIJOUJOU-hankkeessa työskennelleet opettajat ovat hankkeen toimintavuosien 2017-2019 aikana pohtineet opetuksen ja oppimisen digitaalisuutta ja joustavuutta eri näkökulmista: mitä digitaalisuus ja joustavuus suomen ja ruotsin opiskelussa tarkoittaa, miten soveltaa, lisätä ja kehittää digitaalisuutta ja joustavuutta omassa opetuksessa ja opiskelijoiden oppimisessa. Hankelaisten blogikirjoituksissa näemme askeleita opettajien omasta ja yhdessä muiden kanssa oppimisesta hankkeen edetessä; epävarmuus muuttuu varmuudeksi, ajoittainen digiähky oman asiantuntijuuden kasvuksi ja joustavuus osaksi opettajan arkipedagogiikkaa. Antoisia ja inspiroivia lukuhetkiä! LisĂ€tietoa: https://digijoujou.aalto.fi/Lärarna i DIGIJOUJOU-projektet har under projektets verksamhetsår 2017-2019 reflekterat över digitalisering och exibilitet från olika perspektiv; vad betyder digitalisering och exibilitet i lärandet av finska och svenska, hur ska man implementera, öka och utveckla dessa i den egna undervisningen och i hur studerande lär sig finska och svenska. I projektdeltagarnas bloginlägg får vi inblick i hur allas lärandeprocess i projektet framskrider; osäkerhet utvecklas till säkerhet, digikaoset får ordning och exibilitet blir en del av den egna sakkunnigheten och pedagogiken. Med önskan om givande och inspirerande läsning! Mer information: https://digijoujou.aalto.fi

    Odotettu tutkimusavaus lÀÀkÀrien kielitaitohaasteisiin

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    Maija Tervola: MaahanmuuttajalÀÀkÀrien suomen kielen taito ja kielitaitotarpeet. Erityisalan kielitaidon nÀkökulma lÀÀkÀrin työhön. Tampereen yliopiston vÀitöskirjat 92. Tampere: Tampereen yliopisto 2019. Johdanto 147 s. + artikkelit 75 s. isbn 978-952-03-1163-6. Saatavilla verkossa osoittessa http://urn.fi/URN:ISBN:978-952-03-1164-3

    The Toisto-method : speech and repetition as a means of implicit grammar learning

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    Language learning is one of the key predictors of how well immigrants will integrate into a new society. In many European countries, the resources reserved for language education have proved insufficient as people fleeing the war in Afghanistan, Iraq and Syria have entered Europe. This situation has called for ways of mobilising volunteer workers to help newcomers in a coordinated manner. In Finland, a method called Toisto has been developed to enable volunteers with little or no teaching experience to teach the basics of Finnish to newcomers. From the pedagogical and linguistic point of view, Toisto derives from a usage-based notion of language, according to which the spoken modality in general, and modelling-based instruction in particular, can be used to teach grammar without the explicit formulation or explanation of rules. In addition, Toisto aims to compensate for the written language bias very much present in the L2 context in the Finnish education system. In this paper, we outline the theoretical grounding and basic characteristics of the Toisto method. We map the ways in which a usage-based notion of language motivates a communicative, oral language pedagogy, and provide some initial evidence of the feasibility of the method. Finally, we discuss the implications of the Toisto method for adult language education.Language learning is one of the key predictors of how well immigrants will integrate into a new society. In many European countries, the resources reserved for language education have proved insufficient as people fleeing the war in Afghanistan, Iraq and Syria have entered Europe. This situation has called for ways of mobilising volunteer workers to help newcomers in a coordinated manner. In Finland, a method called Toisto has been developed to enable volunteers with little or no teaching experience to teach the basics of Finnish to newcomers. From the pedagogical and linguistic point of view, Toisto derives from a usage-based notion of language, according to which the spoken modality in general, and modelling-based instruction in particular, can be used to teach grammar without the explicit formulation or explanation of rules. In addition, Toisto aims to compensate for the written language bias very much present in the L2 context in the Finnish education system. In this paper, we outline the theoretical grounding and basic characteristics of the Toisto method. We map the ways in which a usage-based notion of language motivates a communicative, oral language pedagogy, and provide some initial evidence of the feasibility of the method. Finally, we discuss the implications of the Toisto method for adult language education.Peer reviewe

    Ensiapua akuuttiin kielentarpeeseen: Toisto-metodi vastaanottokeskusten suomen opetuksessa

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    Tehokas ja hyvin jÀrjestetty kielenopetus on keskeinen osa turvapaikanhakijoiden kotouttamista, mutta miten jÀrjestÀÀ opetus tilanteessa, jossa tarvitaan nopeaa, vapaaehtoistyöhön perustuvaa kielellistÀ ensiapua? Helsingin yliopiston opettajaopiskelijoiden kurssityöstÀ syntynyt Toisto-menetelmÀ on vastaus tÀhÀn haasteeseen

    Nivelreuma - KÀypÀ hoito suosituksen tiivistelmÀ

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    English summary: Rheumatoid arthritis (updated Current Care guideline) Anti-citrulline antibodies are highly specific to rheumatoid arthritis (RA) and are thus helpful in differential diagnosis. Early and aggressive disease modifying anti-rheumatic drug (DMARD) therapy is essential for a positive treatment result in cases of RA. Remission during the 1st year of treatment predicts permanent remission, milder joint damage and better functional ability. It is recommended that patients with an unsatisfactory response to DMARDs, including methotrexate and a combination of DMARDs, should be treated primarily with TNF blockers, and non-responders with rituximab or abatacept. RA is an independent risk factor for cardiovascular diseases. The assessment of cardiovascular risk must not be forgotten in daily practice.